Join my FREE 2024 CREATIVE VISIONING workshop and unlock the power of vision boarding with astrology.

Part of being a creative genius is knowing what to invest your energy into.

It can feel like there’s never enough time to do ALL of the things we desire and like time is slipping away from us.

It’s really easy to turn to horoscopes wondering…

“Is this year going to be GOOD OR BAD?”

Is this the year to finally start my creative business?”

“Is this the year I’ll be able to go full-time in my creative business?”

And approach the year ahead looking for permission on what to give your energy to instead of empowerment in investing in what matters most to you.

Over the last 5 years, I’ve done countless year ahead astrology readings, and I’ve observed how people can use astrological insights to create magical outcomes in their life regardless of what cosmic hand they’ve been dealt.