Okay, this is a guided meditation for connecting to the energy of Saturn in Pisces and Pluto in Aquarius. The purpose of this meditation is to help us connect to the highest and best timeline, working under the energy of Saturn in Pisces and Pluto in Aquarius. We call on the wisdom and anchor points of these spheres to guide us in the direction we are most called to go, for ourselves and for all involved.

Please show us, in this meditation, the next step to actualize our vision and the mission of our highest self here on planet Earth. First, we will release any existing grounding or connection coming from the root on the bottoms of our feet, and then we will envision a spiral chord from the core of the Earth, bringing neutral green earth energy back to our roots.

Bring your awareness and attention to the area around your stomach, taking a deep breath in and exhaling, releasing any tension in your shoulders and upper body. Breathe in through your nose, bringing your attention and awareness to your core, and then bring that openness and expansiveness up through your body, shoulders, arms, neck, and head. Sense the golden celestial light shining down through the top of your head, and feel the green earth energy flowing up through your feet.

As you breathe in through your nose, the green and gold merge and create patterns, new colors, and new sensations. As you exhale, you feel a greater sense of calm and peace wash over you.

Now we call down the energy of Saturn, feeling it as if it is sitting directly in front of us. Bring your attention and awareness to your heart, noticing if you're feeling relaxed and open or if you're feeling resistance and tension. Breathe in through your nose and exhale out through your heart, even if there is tension there. See if you can inhale through your nose and exhale through your heart, bringing just a little bit more openness to your heart.

On your next inhale, receive guidance from Saturn up through your head, which could look like images, memories, or increased awareness of sound or presence. On your exhale, send that love back to Saturn. You continue to repeat this for the next five breaths. Take note of what came through, even if it seems small or insignificant.

We release Saturn now and express gratitude to its energy. Next, we call down the energy of Pluto, sensing it directly in front of us. Breathing in through our nose, we receive wisdom and guidance from Pluto that relates to our mission vision for the next 20 years. Exhaling through our heart, we send that loving energy back to Pluto. You continue to repeat this for the next five breaths.

Finally, we release the energy of Pluto and express gratitude. Bring your attention back to your core, noticing if there's anything that feels like it's settled here, any stagnant energies that you feel accumulated at all during this work. Go ahead and send those energies back down through that chord running between your root and the core of the Earth.

Hold the energy you received from Saturn and Pluto in your heart, and then bring a new grounding cord up from the core of the Earth up into your core and your root. Sit here holding that energy in front of your core, allowing yourself to absorb and receive as much of this light as you need into your aura.

As you bring this light into your aura, you might feel your aura become larger, but there's still a little space around the edges, a little barrier of protection. Allow that ball of energy to flow up over your head, releasing your connection through above, and then grounding yourself back into the Earth.

Rest your hands on your stomach, integrating the medicine and guidance that you've received.