What are you called to create?

Who are you called to create with?

How will you create together?

Hey—I don’t know if you realize this, but we’re in the midst of some massive planetary shifts.

You see, on March 7, 2023, Saturn (planet of structure, dedication, and growing older) entered Pisces (sign of imagination, creativity, and wisdom)…

AND Pluto (planet of generational change, power, and death) entered Aquarius (sign of community, connection, and knowledge) on March 23

These two transits are inviting community-oriented creatives and compassionates to come together and make a plan for the future and connect to our vision for the next twenty years !!!

What are you dreaming of? Like really, what is the calling that keeps following you? The one that kind of scares your pants off so you distract yourself with anything and everything because you like wouldn’t even know how to approach it?

The flower and stone art installation you’re envisioning for collective healing…

The futuristic novel that might actually be a map for navigation…

The community service center that will allow people who have lost income to get their basic needs met…

The campaign for political office you’re afraid people will judge you for taking on…